What are the different roles in Cardlay Expense?

For Administrators and Expense Managers

In Cardlay Expense we think of users as people. A person can have one or more roles assigned. The roles are called Administrator, Expense Manager and Employee, and they control what a person has access to and what they can do. Here is a simple overview of the roles:


Administrator Expense manager Employee

Has access to all features in the Cardlay Expense web application.


It is recommended to have at least two people registered with the administrator role.



People with this role are the only people who can invite others and manage people and teams.

Has access to most features of the Cardlay Expense web application.

Can manage all expenses in the company, unless they are added to one or more teams.

When a person with an Expense Manager role is added to one or more teams, then this person is limited to only managing expenses from employees with that/those teams.


Has access to the Cardlay Expense app.


Can manage their own expenses.













Please notice that people registered during the company onboarding will have all roles assigned automatically. Their roles can later on be managed via the UI, but the administrator role cannot be removed for these persons without contacting support.

For now all people in Cardlay Expense will have the employee role as default. This means that all people invited onboard, will have access to the Cardlay Expense mobile app. In case a person with an employee role does not hold a Eurocard corporate card, no worries, they will be able to use the app to report out of pocket and mileage expenses.

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