What is the Employee ID and what is it used for?

In the Cardlay expense web application, we have two different IDs related to a person. Both will be shown at the person details page. One is called Eurocard Employee ID and the other one is called Employee ID.



The Eurocard Employee ID field is crucial to fill in, to ensure that the person's card transactions are visible in Cardlay expense. The person's card transactions will only be visible if this ID matches the Employee registered in e-admin. Read more here.

The Employee ID field under accounting information needs to be filled in, if you want an Employee ID represented in your accounting exports. This ID is also the ID displayed in the table on the people's page. 


How these IDs are set is up to the individual company. The IDs can consist of letters, numbers, characters or a combination. Some companies use the exact same ID in both fields, others have different IDs in the two fields. 


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