For persons with access to Eurocard's Portal (previous called E-admin)
Important: We need you to log into the Eurocard Portal and make sure that all your cardholders have an Employee ID assigned. This is important because if that ID is missing, you will not be able to see the cardholder’s transactions in Cardlay Expense. The Employee ID must be unique for the individual cardholder.
a. Log in to your Eurocard portal:
Use your login credentials
b. Go to accounts
On list of accounts click on the relevant account
c. On the 'Account' page
Click on the first tap named 'List of cards'.
d. On the list of cards
Click to select a specific cardholder
e. Once on the cardholder details page
Find the 'Employee ID' field and copy/add an updated Employee ID and press save
Now you have found or set up the Employee ID in Eurocard's Portal. This Employee ID is unique for the specific cardholder and must be exactly the same entered in Cardlay Expense, in the field called” Eurocard Employee ID”. This ID must be present in both products in order to show the employee's transactions in Cardlay Expense.
Great job - You completed the initial setup!
We hope the information was helpful.