How do I split an expense?

For persons with administrator and/or Expense manager role 

When an employee makes one purchase for multiple items, you may want to split the expense to enrich it with different expense categories. For example, when an employee has paid at the reception after having stayed at a hotel, then the receipt will contain both the breakfast and the hotel accommodation. In the Cardlay Expense web application, it is possible for you as an administrator or expense manager to split expenses for all employees in the company or in your team.

  1. Open the ‘Expenses’ menu item
    In the menu, click expenses


  1. Expense page
    Now you will land on the expenses page where you will land on the ‘Review needed’ tab. 


  1. Find and click on an expense you would like to split 

Click on the expense to open the expense details, now find and click on the split tab. 


  1. Split tab
    Click on the split button to perform a split. The expense can be splitted into as many splits as you want. Select a category and enter an amount per split. The sum of splits must be equal to the amount on the original expense. Once you have added the splits needed, click save changes. 

  1. Confirm split tab 

After you click save changes you need to confirm that you want to perform the split, because the split cannot be undone. Confirm that you want to perform the split by pressing “Save splits”.



  1. Approve or reject the expense splits

Now the detailed view of the original expense has been updated to show the splits. From this view you can either approve or reject all splits. Or you can click the individual split to manage it individually. For now we will press close.



  1. View the split expense
    On the expense table under “needs review” you will now be able to see the two individual splits. In case you approved the expenses after the previous step, you will see the expense splits under the “ready for accounting” tab.


Congratulations! You've successfully splitted an expense. If you encounter any issues or have questions, don't hesitate to reach out to your administrator or support.

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